Fast Forward/Rewind – Oct. 5 meeting

It’s funny how our Word of the Day always seems to relate to our meeting in some way. Today’s WOTD was “cornucopia,” and indeed, we discussed many topics – some more appetizing than others!

It was Allison’s first time leading us as Toastmaster, and she did a great job in the role and talked about the many things to look forward to in the fall: fall festivals in North Carolina, Halloween activities, and peak times for seeing fall foliage in our region. (Look for those foliage times on the club Facebook page, which you should LIKE right now if you haven’t already!)

We had an opening for a first speaker, and Angela filled in with a pocket speech, practicing an elevator speech that she will be giving soon. Mike was our second speaker and educated us about the best time to take Social Security. Alvin led us in Table Topics, and we had quite a few laughs while talking about enjoying dinner-and-dialogue with our dogs, cats and other pets. Karen led the evaluation team, which consisted of Dave and Norris as our Speaker Evaluators and Savannah as our Timer/Grammarian.

Next week’s roles are as follows:

Toastmaster Steve
Speaker 1 Anu
Speaker 2 Phil
Table Topics Alvin
Gen Evaluator Angela
Speaker Eval 1 Savannah
Speaker Eval 2 Allison
Timer/Grammarian Karen

If you are unable to fill your role, please let the Toastmaster for next week know.

Have a great week ahead!