Fast Forward/Rewind #93 – 6/2-6/9

My fellow Toastmasters –

A great meeting with Alvin as Toastmaster, weaving his word of the day, “salute,”  throughout the meeting.  Martin did a very funny speech, “The Wine Snob,” and Dave spoke on “Joining the Circus – You too can do humorous speeches.”  Lyn led Table Topics, allowing the group to speak like politicians, avoiding the questions they were asked.  David G and Mike were Evaluators and Phil S. was the Timer.


The roles for 6/9 are:


Toastmaster          Savannah

Speaker 1              Sadric

Speaker 2              Angela

Table Topics           Steve

Gen Evaluator        Jennifer

Evaluator 1            Dave

Evaluator 2            Phil S

Timer                     Lyn