Rewind & Fast Forward 10/24/2014 & 10/31/2014 Sunrise Toastmasters

The following are brief “rewind” notes from the 10/24/14 Sunrise Toastmasters meeting.

  • 8 members and 3 guests in attendance, including Griselda’s sister and Richard, a former toastmaster.  Special welcome to Scott Turnamian (cc’d on email).
  • Toastmaster Alvin Powell’s theme for the day was centered around the word infectious and the ongoing Ebola crisis.  Alvin demonstrated the challenge of communicating with his patients while wearing personal protective equipment (the items caregivers have to wear to protect themselves from the spread of infectious disease).
  • Robert spoke about the importance of body language when communicating with patients.  He provided examples of body language training exercises completed by the physicians he works with and tied the training to several core principles of the toastmasters curriculum (word choice, vocal variety, body language).
  • Griselda passionately spoke about three things you can do to eliminate self-doubt from your life (stop the “stinking thinking”, embrace your emotions, and challenge yourself to always show up, even if you are afraid).
  • Bret lead a philosophical and thought-provoking table topics, with questions like, “what is the difference between living –v- existing?”
  • Thanks to those members who evaluated the meeting (Phil, Dave, Dramaine).

The “Fast Forward” to the 10/31/14 meeting agenda is below.  Please contact the Toastmaster, Angela, to confirm your role.

Toastmaster                       Angela

Speaker 1                            Dramaine

Speaker 2                            Volunteer Needed!

Table Topics                       Brett

General Evaluator            Dave

Speaker Evaluator           Divya

Speaker Evaluator           Esther

Grammarian                       Tim

Thanks to all for a great meeting.

