Rewind / Fast-Forward #30 (Feb. 19-26)

Hello Sunrise Toastmasters Members and guests!

Rewind from February 19

This meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in the North Tower (Room NT102A) and started at 7:00 AM with 9 members present, including our newest member, Rita!

President Summer Murphy opened our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. She reminded members of two things: first, to check the website for March and April’s speaker schedule, and second, to prepare your bi-annual membership dues for collection in March. After these announcements, she handed it over to Jenna Willingham to lead the meeting as Toastmaster for the morning. Today’s theme was “In the News” – a nod to all the things going on in the world and how we keep ourselves in the know. The Word of the Day was germane.

The first speaker, Phil Monroe, completed his second speech in the Competent Communicator’s manual, titled “Tips for Improving Your Cell Phone’s Battery Life”. In his speech, Phil reminded us how rapidly cell phones have evolved in the last 20 years. But until batteries become a “thing of the past”, it’s important to know how to stretch the one in your phone when you need it. The second speaker, Walt Abele, completed his sixth speech in the Competent Communicator’s manual, titled “King Dad”. Of all the roles Walt has played in his life the Dad role is his favorite one. He gave the audience a glimpse into his caring and silly self through tales of “King Dad” and his reign in the Abele household.

Tying in nicely with the meeting’s theme, today’s TableTopics session was replete with current national and world events. Topicsmaster Tim Murphy allowed each respondent to practice poise under pressure before moving into evaluations. Thanks to Bryan Alston and Jenna Willingham for evaluating the speeches, to Summer Murphy for evaluating the meeting in general, and to Dave Burr for serving as Timer/Grammarian.

 Fast-Forward to February 26

Please see the slated roles below:

 Toastmaster Joe Stack
Speaker 1 Pam Ku
Speaker 2 Tim Murphy
Speaker 3 Summer Murphy
Table Topics Angela Marsh
General Evaluator Dave Burr
Evaluator 1 Bryan Alston
Evaluator 2 Mike Stipanov
Evaluator 3 Open
Timer/Grammarian Jenna Willingham