Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday Aug 1, 2014. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital, meeting room 0043 and started at 7:00 a.m.
We had a total of 10 members present at our meting.
President Angela Ligon let the members know that Ebony Christian, area governor, is tentatively slated to attend the Aug 15 meeting in an official capacity where she will evaluate the club. She also informed members of the competition on Sept 27 and requested anyone interested in preparing a humorous speech and/or an evaluation to let Summer know. Angela then introduced Ying Na as the Toastmaster for the meeting. Tim volunteered to be general evaluator and in absence of Griselda, Dave volunteered to be speaker 2. Ying’s word of the day and theme of the meeting was “Stress Test” and she explained that even though it is a financial term, it applies to all of us. She gave an example of how an annual medical check up is a good analogy for a type of stress test.
Phil Stringer gave our first speech of the morning titled “Wood Joinery” from competent communication manual (project #8). Joinery is when two pieces of wood come together and Phil used great visual aids to talk about how to correctly put pieces of wood together.
Kudos to Dave for giving us his pocket speech titled “How Interviewing is like a Toastmasters Speech”. He talked about the similarities, opening-results-closing, between interviewing for a job and preparing and delivering a speech at Toastmaster. He laid out a guide to having an impactful and productive interview.
Esther did a wonderful experiment with table topics and read various quotes from a mystery author where participants could respond in 4 different ways. At the end of the session she did reveal that the author was George W Bush.
Thanks to Alvin for serving as evaluator and to Tim for being general evaluator. Thanks to Steve for serving as Timer/Grammarian.
Below is the summary of our upcoming meeting on Friday Aug 8,2014. Please contact Toastmaster Angela Ligon if you are on the agenda.
Toastmaster Angela Ligon
Speaker 1 Divya Bhagat
Speaker 2 Dramaine Freeman
Table Topics Summer Murphy
Gen.Evaluator David Burr
Speaker Evaluator Ying Na
Speaker Evaluator Tim Murphy
Grammarian/Timer Esther Khoury
Respectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack