Hello Sunrise Toastmasters members,
Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday May 1, 2015. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in meeting room
NT102A and started at 7:00 a.m
We had a total of 13 members present at our meeting.
President Angela Lingon opened our meeting and turned it over to Robert Hickling our Toastmaster for the morning. His word of the day was ‘Pageant’ and he talked about facts from past Miss American pageants.
Tim Murphy led us in table topics. The questions tied into the word of the day. He played clips of questions that were asked at the 2015 pageant and members were asked to respond to them. He then played the constants answers and had the audience vote on the better answer. All respondents received a toastmasters bookmark.
Please contact Toastmaster Mike Stipanov (mikestipanov@yahoo.com) if you are on the agenda.
Check the website for the next meeting’s agenda and speakers.
Respectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack