The Sunrise Toastmaster meeting opened with a minute of silence to be in solidarity with all in our world seeking peace, equality, and justice. Toastmaster for the morning, Anu Parvaneni had a fitting word of the day, responsibility, urging us to be mindful of how we can be responsible for making our world a better place. The first speaker of the meeting, Norris Bass , shared a speech titled, Misconceptions Vs Reality. Norris discussed Down Syndrome and ways society can better understand issues regarding physical and mental abilities as well as laws around schooling. Norris did an excellent job at bringing us more awareness about such a special population of people. Dave Burr was the next speaker with a speech titled, Ch Ch Changes: Personal Experiences on Stuttering. Dave took us on a journey through time from early diangosis of stuttering where it was merly considered an inconvenience for the audience to today where doctors are discovering underlying conditions and taking a more holistic approch to healing. Dave shared his own experiences and included medical research to support his topic. Angela Marsh led Table Topics through a loving and positive storytelling of the book, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse. Angela took quotes from this beautiful children’s story and participants provided happy, heartfelt responses on kindness, success, love, and hope. President Elect Kelsey Long led evaluations as the general evaluator and joining Kelsey were speaker evaluators, Tim Murphy and Amelya Black, Karen Rhodes as the Timer, and Savannah Murphy as Grammarian. Join the next meeting at Sunrise Toastmasters via zoom on April 9, 2021!