Fast Forward/Rewind – Nov. 2 meeting

Apologies for the delayed report from the Nov. 2 meeting! We had to do some last-minute shuffling of the Nov. 9 schedule and wanted to be sure the roles were correct and confirmed.

The Nov. 2 meeting was a good one, with Angela doing a wonderful job in the Toastmaster role. Our word of the day was “culture,” and each of the attendees had an opportunity to write down a one-word description of the club’s culture; more on that below!

Brian served as our first speaker, with an informative and engaging speech entitled “Tips for Tipping,” and Dave did a fantastic job with an impromptu pocket speech, asking the group what might be the root cause for political divisions in our country leading up to the midterm election. After the speeches, Norris offered up a good old-fashioned “potluck” of Table Topics, and then Angela asked us to share what we had written down earlier in the meeting to describe the Sunrise Toastmasters club culture. Here’s what we wrote:

And in keeping with those descriptions, our evaluation team of Karen, David, Phil and Mike provided valuable feedback to our dynamic speakers in a supportive way. It’s this kind of collaborative environment that makes us such a welcoming club that enjoys a strong sense of unity!

To support the Toastmaster role, a blank agenda is now available for download here on the website. It’s a fillable PDF so you can just type in your assigned week’s information. You can find the agenda form under the Members Info tab, or click here to download it.

The roles for the Nov. 9 meeting are listed below, and the Speaker Schedule has been updated for the rest of November. If you scheduled for a role this week but are unable to attend, please let Phil and Brian know.

Toastmaster Phil
Speaker 1 Anu
Speaker 2 Dave
Table Topics Karen
Gen Evaluator Angela
Speaker Eval 1 Savannah
Speaker Eval 2 Alison
Timer/Grammarian Bettina