Fast Forward/Rewind #67 10/28-11/4

Zach opened the meeting before turning it over to Jenna as Toastmaster.  She invited everyone to use “segue” for the Word of the Day.  Following some quick introductions for our returning guest, Jenna segued into the speeches portion of the meeting. Returning member Alvin Powell practiced a prepared speech titled “Simkins V. Cone Hospital” and the group collectively gave him feedback. WE look forward to hearing about his presentation, taking place at noon tomorrow. Meanwhile, Zach rounded out his Competent Communicator Manual with a bold, inspirational speech titled “Step Out of Your Comfort Zone”.  Mike led Table Topics with prompts from popular conversation topics on his Facebook feed. Following evaluations, Zach was ceremoniously awarded his Competent Communicator pin for knocking out the manual (and in record time)!


The roles for 11/5 are:


Toastmaster                 Zach

Speaker 1                    Phil M

Speaker 2                    Mike

Table Topics                Angela

Gen Evaluator              Dave

Evaluator 1                   Phil S

Evaluator 2                   Steve

Timer                           Jenna


Have a nice week!